Monday, September 05, 2011

In the top 10!

Current work: Rome Riva
Listening to: various
Reading: next on TBR

Was absolutely THRILLED this morning to discover that A Moment on the Lips is in the top 10 best sellers on the M&B website. Thank you so much to the readers who’ve put me there. The last year has been tough, workwise – with all the emotional upheaval and struggle, my confidence has taken a major nosedive, and a couple of recent reviews have shredded a few layers of skin on top of that. So thank you for putting me in that slot. It’s really appreciated. And I hope you enjoy the story.

As for what I’m up to today: I’m over at the eHarlequin Medical Authors’ blog, talking about, um, cake.


Sheila Norton said...

Oh, well done Kate! That's fantastic news, what a wonderful achievement! You definitely deserve cake, at the very least!

Kate Hardy said...

Thank you, Olivia. I'm delighted. And we are planning cake today! :o)