Thursday, July 28, 2011

wpw, my books are on iTunes!

Current work: Rome Riva
Listening to: various stuff on the iPod (thank you, lovely husband)
Reading: next on TBR

So, there I was, browsing various things on iTunes (oh, all right, playing with the iPod and buying a bit of music on DH’s account – but believe you me he buys an awful lot more on my Amazon account), and I remembered one of my writer mates had told me that Harlequin/Mills & Boon are now on iTunes.

So I checked it out just to see which of mine were available. (Felt a bit narcissistic, typing my name into the search box, but I guess that's the only was you're going to find it...)

Wow! There are loads. Not just English titles, either – French and German, too (at least on the UK iTunes – might be different in the States). These are ebooks rather than audio. But how exciting :o)

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