Friday, March 26, 2010

time machine and crows

Current work: revisions to jousting book
Listening to: Bach
Reading: next on TBR

The third thing yesterday was the arrival of a book I’d been waiting for – Karen Maitland’s new paperback. Should be a great read.

However, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction – which means I’ve also been hit by three baddies this week. Rough visit to Dad; dentist visit meaning no needles yesterday BUT root canal work next month; and home from the dentist to find an email from my ed with revisions – rather bigger than I’d hoped for. We’ve negotiated a compromise, but this weekend is already quite busy. Guess I need to be clever about some of it – i.e. pick up the stuff we need for Venice while DH spends his customary hour in HMV, browsing through the same stuff he browses through every single time. (Drives me bananas. Why do men do it? Or am I the weird one, going shopping with a list organised by shop and working my way through it logically?) And I’d better be up early Sunday instead of lazing in bed with a book, so I can get some work done before DH picks up his mother just before lunch.

I could really do with a time machine. And something to smack the crows with (apart from the Maltesers bunnies I ate yesterday – got away with it on the scales this morning, but doing the same today would not be clever). Don't suppose HG Wells' time traveller is out there and would like to come for lunch? I can offer home-made soup, chicken salad and home-made ice cream in exchange for some time...


Caroline said...

Hugs on the bad things. I'm with you - this week has been cr*p - and I'm supposed to be on my honeymoon! :( Caroline x

Sharon Kendrick said...

What flavour ice-cream?!

Kate Hardy said...

Caroline - hugs back to you, and hope that the weekend is much better!

Kate Hardy said...

Shazza - at the moment, it's strawberry (unless the kids have snaffled it all, in which case they're grounded). But, for a time machine, I would make any flavour physically possible that the time traveller asked of me... ;o)

Jan Jones said...

Oh, damn. Root canal and revisions. (((((hugs)))))

Listen, love, I know it goes against your nature, but MAKE TIME FOR YOU. Without stressing about it.

Get yourself in the right frame of mind to enjoy Venice and the book will fall into place in the background.

Lacey Devlin said...

((Big Hugs)) I'm glad there were Malteser bunnies. I've never come across them but I'm pretty sure they'd make any bad day better :)