Monday, March 09, 2009


Current work: nonfic and medical romance
Listening to: Travis
Reading: next on TBR pile (I have Nina Harrington's debut and am desperate for a chance to read it!)

Busy weekend: Friday, saw lovely Caroline Anderson for lunch and a chat about books and some plotting ideas and a good laugh. (The scientific experiment on M&S biscuit curls (wafers) was hilarious. Apparently you can get more slurps of coffee through a biscuit curl than you can through a TimTam before it collapses.)

Saturday, went over the border to Suffolk take some of the last pics for the current nonfic. This involved a little bit of churchcrawling, because I was after wallpaintings. Here are two I really liked from Troston: firstly the George and the Dragon (I particularly liked the dragon’s wings and the curly tail)

and secondly the St Christopher. (There is also a fabulous one of St Edmund, which I will use in the book.)

Sunday, Dad and my stepmum came over for the day as it’s her birthday today.

And this morning... that’s where the strawberries come in. Woke up, and DH was bright red – you could see the spots appearing. All over. Turns out it’s an allergic reaction to the antibios, so am back to being ministering angel this week. Will be keeping close eye on son, as he had the same antibios as DH (who hasn’t reacted to them before – but I’m allergic to -cillin antibios, so we’ll see if son also turns bright red). Poor guy: an author on deadline is not ever going to be the best of nurses, because her head will be elsewhere! I'll work mainly on nonfic today as that's easy to break from than fiction.


Nell Dixon said...

Oh no, allergic skin reactions are horrid. If it's very itchy a poultice made of oats soaked in cold water is very soothing. You can make them up by putting the oats in old tights, wring them out, place in freezer for a bit and then apply to itchy ness.

Jan Jones said...

Oooh, poor dh, Kate.

Nell - how do you KNOW these things???

Kate Hardy said...

Nell - thanks. At the moment he's in "do not touch me, do not come anywhere near me, leave me alone" mode.

Kate Hardy said...

Jan - thanks. He is a bit in the wars, bless him.