Sunday, July 15, 2007

Another winner

And we have another beautiful dog – this time it’s Bramble. Sadly, Bramble’s no longer with us, but Margaret McDonagh has beautiful memories of her: so much so that I was inspired to borrow her for my Cornish continuity book, The Doctor’s Royal Love Child, which is out next April (my vet book, which I so loved writing). Obviously I asked Mags's permission first - and then I was talking to my fellow Penhally authors about the kind of animals we were going to have in the village, and they started telling me stories I just had to use. So we have Maggie Kingsley's gran's parrot, Mags's neighbour's "turbo chick", Jennifer Taylor's daughter's cat rescue... (Did I mention that I loved writing that book?) But my hero REALLY needed a dog. What Mags told me about Bramble made me fall for her - a dog with the waggiest tail in the world. So here she is:

Cheryl is the winner of Margaret’s prize – as I mentioned below, technology is being uncooperative right now, so please check your emails, Cheryl…

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